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President's Page

Welcome to the communication page for the USW president.

what does it take to get each of you to quit handing the company your head on a silver platter? We all know that our numbers are being reduced. Here is what has been happening, and everyone should understand. Members have been terminated for cause. The oversight of the rules have intensified. Therefore here is my advice. Do the right thing. The company has put a lot of stress on following procedures, if you feel you are not able to follow the procedure, STOP. If a forman/supervisor insists that you continue, ask for it in writing, but do the work under protest. You are the one at risk if you  think you are just being a good guy and do what you think is wanted rather than what the procedure says.
If you do not reflect the correct work hours or abuse drugs, both legal and illegal, or alcohol this company will terminate you! 




The link above is my personal web page. The two above that are USW e-mail sites.These access locations are provided to help us communicate outside of the company realm. If you wounder what I looked like a lot of years ago, take a peek at my site. Woody

click link below to see projection for manpower 

manpower projection check on page 3583 of 3639